You see, my family and I recently returned from a fun-filled vacation in Disney World (you'd be happy to know that you can find some fresh fruit stands throughout the parks, as well as being able to bring in your own snacks). We enjoyed the warm Florida weather from the end of November into December, coming home to freezing temperatures and the holiday rush.
Instead of draining myself even more (it's funny how a vacation can actually tire you out), I took a cue from Natural Zing, whipping up a nice warm mug of Hot Choco-Maca Zing (a recipe found on their website) and treating myself to a massage with some Simply Divine Botanicals How Now Brown Cacao Skin Softening Body Dessert (try saying that one 10 times fast. Unfortunately, it is out of stock at the moment, so I'll also recommend the lemony Butter Me UP! version). I must say, I highly recommend this combination.
Hot Choco-Maca Zing
cocoa powder
maca crispy bites
yacon syrup or other sweetener (I substituted carob and lucuma powders)
pinch of sea salt
dash of red limo pepper powder
warm water
In the bottom of a mug, combine all the dry ingredients to taste. If using a liquid sweetener, add it now and stir it into the dry ingredients.
- Next, add a little bit of warm water and whisk to combine. Continue whisking as you add the rest of the water, filling the mug.
- Sip slowly and enjoy every last drop. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the tiny bites of maca inside.
Now that you've warmed your insides, grab yourself a container of this yummy body dessert (or give it as a gift). Open the lid and inhale the intoxicating chocolaty aroma. This luxurious skin cream smells good enough to eat, but even better on your bod. It's soft and silky, and makes your dry, parched skin glisten. I can still catch a whiff of it as I type this. Heavenly!
*How Now Brown Cacao is currently out of stock, but the lemony Butter Me UP! version is good, too :-)
This skin cream makes me want to make some time for a little unbaking, especially if it's my favorite cookie from last year: my Unbaked Walnut Cookies. Here's the recipe:

Unbaked Walnut Cookies
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup cashews
1/2 cup oats
1-2 Tbsp. agave nectar
sea salt
*chocolate sauce and extra walnut pieces to hide inside
- In high speed blender or food processor, grind nuts and oats into a flour and transfer to a bowl. Add sea salt, cinnamon, ginger and vanilla. Stir to combine.
- Drizzle a little of the agave at a time, mixing it into the flour to create a dough. The amount may vary, but the end result should be wet enough to hold together and dry enough to form into cookies.
- Divide the dough into six sections and roll into balls. Shape the dough balls into walnut shells with a flattened base. Cut each "walnut" in half like a sandwich, and use your knife to make the decorative lines on top.
- These cookies can be "baked" in the dehydrator or firmed up in the fridge. Fill the centers with chocolate sauce (mix a little agave at a time into some cocoa powder until it becomes a thick icing-like paste) and pretty looking walnut pieces (try to find the whole ones, if you can). Then, share them with a friend.

What treats will you be making in your raw kitchen?
Happy holidays!
Shannonmarie, a.k.a. "Rawdorable," also posts on her blog of the same name,