Now that's a n'ice way to stay cool

I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but in Natural Zing territory, it is crazy hot. Lucky for me, I always make sure my freezer is stocked with frozen bananas for treats like smoothies (I recently posted one on my blog, which helped fuel me through my painting project) and n'ice creams.

N'ice cream is just my term for this dairy-free concoction that has practically become a staple in most raw households. Much like zucchetti, it is hard to trace back its origins to any one specific person, as it just seems like the natural thing to do; simply blend/process (I tend to make mine in my mini food processor) some chopped frozen banana until smooth and fluffy, and you've got n'ice cream. No wonder so many raw foodies have stumbled upon this concept themselves, if they had not already heard about it from someone else.

The best part about n'ice cream is that the flavor combinations are up to your imagination. You can remain simple with some vanilla and maybe some nut butter to add some richness. Then, you can always toss in some strawberries for my personal favorite, as a child, or some cocoa powder (carob is also good, too) for traditional chocolate, which rawks with a drizzle of olive oil and some sea salt sprinkled on top (don't knock it til you try it).

Mint chocolate chip is also an easy and popular flavor to recreate. Cacao nibs are perfect for the chips, and a little spirulina will provide that fun green color. And, if you're not a fan of the green taste, you'll be happy to know that a touch of mint extract or peppermint oil will make it taste great.

I also like to recreate butter pecan. For some reason, I add mesquite powder for both flavor and color, as well as some blended date syrup (I mentioned this in my last post), although not necessary. Toss in some pecans, and it's ready to eat.

And it doesn't end there. Keep experimenting with other tastes and textures, toppings and add-ins (raw cookies, chocolates, and nuts are so amazing for this). You can get your friends and family together for a n'ice cream bar (like this one I blogged about a few years back). Or, you can just enjoy inventing and re-inventing a sundae made just for you. No matter what, it's n'ice to stay cool :-)

Shannonmarie, a.k.a. "Rawdorable," also posts on her blog of the same name,


FS said…
I have been doing something similar this summer; making popsicles and filling ice cube trays with a blend of bananas and whatever other fruits are on hand. Mangoes are perfect but you can do numerous variations: orange juice, pomegranate juice, sweet potatoes (I know wierd but I like them). Some times I add ginger or goji berries. Any kind of fruit works but I almost always use a banana base. For an adult treat you can make orange juice ice cubes and serve them in a glass with campari.